It starts with the Priest thanking God, then just about every faction of government gets to thank each other and God (While we wait in the pouring rain, the wind and well it was a little chilly too).
Then the music kicks off, the marching bands get into gear and we get to dance around the streets in formation. The dancing is the Foklore dancing of Panama, lots of swooshing twirling skirts. We march up one street and down the next before filing past the dignatories and disbanding after shouting Viva Panama!
Buses come in from Panama all day long and just seem to join the parade. It is now late at night and the town is full of marching bands and parties. I am guessing they sleep on their buses. Trying not to guess where they are going to the bathroom. There are no public toilets in Boquete. 5,000 or so marchers without a bathroom and the Mayor is worried about horse shit? Viva Panama.