Let me explain. Today, like many days over the next 6 months, was a scramble for molasses and trichoderma the biological fungicide we are applying to the coffee. Molasses is in short supply so we are a little delayed but hope to start spraying tomorrow. A few rainy days and those little spores so quickly get to work.
Meanwhile, I have all the fans running in the house. We can not dry clothes on the line very well anymore. Clothes that are not dried right away get a very funky smell...of fungus. Vital to keep everything bone dry.....so, the de-humidifying machine is getting a workout as is the clothes dryer, which is the biggest contributor to the electricity bill. Actually, it is the electricity bill.
Lastly, I am being invaded. My skin is just irresistible to fungus. Feel like I am turning into a mushroom. The latest pesky invasion seems to have come from my horse. At least that is my theory and I'm sticking to it. Not the first or last it seems, mi 'best friend' knew about the little red rash right away and sure enough the pharmacy in town is full of broad spectrum pretty potent anti-fungal creams. Hurray for that.
Life in the tropics!