Welcome home to the very handsome black stud horse. Arrived safely early afternoon after a long journey all the way from one side of the Volcano down to David and up the other side to avoid the big hills and bends involved in the shorter route. Big thank you to the wonderful truck driver Alexi, he did a really great job as always.
As the horse does not have a name, he was just known as the Black Arabian Stud Horse, we decided to go with the suggestion of his former trainer who knew him well and had a good name suggestion.
After some amusing discussion about the various nuances and meanings in English and Spanish we have decided to go with Media Luna (in Spanish). He has a white crescent moon shaped star on his forehead and is otherwise all black.
Now, this is actually a bit of a turn around. Or, an application of the principle "if you can not beat them join them" In all my 30 years plus of riding I would never ever have entertained the idea of riding or keeping a stallion before coming to Panama.
I have adjusted: And am not sure whether to be proud, ashamed or rather afraid. In the land where every other street seems to be home to one or more intact male horses, it is really impossible to avoid male horse hormones....so in the end, I reasoned, you might as well have them yourself.