My little bird is spending his days pecking at my car wing mirrors and the nights pecking against the reflective glass on my bedroom window. He is making a big mess and causing havoc setting off the alarms at night.
He is entirely enamored by his own image and completely in love with the idea that he has found a potential mate rather like himself. A mirror image in fact. He is just having a very hard time getting her to tweet back. Boy does he have persistence though.
Of course, he has no idea exactly how he looks although he probably does know what his kind look like. His parents, other fledglings and members of the flock. He is in love with the idea that there is another little bird that shares his particular way of expressing himself so closely she appears to be mirroring his every move.
It is a seasonal thing my little birds love interest. It is somewhat difficult to accommodate but it amuses me it is such a pure expression of a universal concept.