Two guys came to help. African bees can be difficult when you take their honey away. Bee suits here are not 'all in ones' like mine. They come in tunic tops and trousers which means a really tight belt is critical to prevent bees getting under the tunic down the pants.
Some of the guys don't have belts and instead they use masking tape. There is always something going on with those belts or the tape. This time we had a tiny young lad wearing a full sized bee suit which meant he was particularly concerned to tape his waist very tight before heading out into the coffee.
Although there was not too much honey....the bees are healthy. Lots of brood. Something has red pollen at the moment. Not sure what that is but saw quite a few bees with scarlet legs.
Same lad that had amused doing up his belt to begin with got covered in honey carrying the supers back to the truck. Apart from being a sticky boy the real problem with having honey on your bee suit is that is bees like honey!