Not any more, everything has changed with the arrival of our new weather station. I am secretly rather looking forward to some insanely bad weather.
Checking the dashboard for our new weather station has become something of an obsession. My daily routine has a new beat. The routine goes something like: Get out of bed, put in contact lenses.... check what weather data was collected last night... cup of tea....what does the weather reading say about today. All day long it gives a comforting justification for being too hot or a bit chilly and whether or not to put on the dehumidifier. It even dares to have an opinion here on the Continental Divide, where the Pacific and Atlantic weather systems collide, on what is going to happen next which side will win and will we get sunshine or rain.
Today we had 0.52 inches of rain in the afternoon. Frankly, with all the thunder, lightening and sheets of the stuff coming in through my open window it felt like it might have been more. Maybe tomorrow.